Free HTML Hosting by google drive with your own custom domain

Yes it is fully possible to host your website safely with google drive and add your domain ( to it. Forget old days of paid hosting and save your hosting money.Let me explain steps in easiest ways possible

1.Sign in to google drives and upload your website folder.Create sub folders whenever necessary ( chrome allows folder upload directly ) and upload appropriate contents.

2.Click on 'Sharing' and then 'Advanced' and then 'Change'. Set it to 'On-Public on the Web'. and then click Save.

3.Now before clicking 'done'  copy the url and separate the driver id from it.

4.Now enter '[driver id] ' and view it in your browser to see if its working correctly.


Redirecting from godaddy to google drive folder.Same process applies for all domain providers.If you dont have a godaddy account signup here []

1.Login in to your godaddy account.Next to domain click 'Launch'. Click on domain name to go to settings page.

2.Under forwarding select 'Manage' Click 'Add one now' and then 'Forward Settings' to 'Forward with masking

3.Enter 'Title' of website.'Description' to Appear in searchengines and 'Keywords' for search engine optimization.

4.Keep 'Update my DNS setting to support this change' checked on and save.

5.Wait for few miutes to update server and BINGO! we now officialy have our free host from google

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